
Aldi Ashby 20 Road Race 20th March 2022

Find a full album of 500 images here on Facebook

Also, a further 56 images are here on Facebook showing the fun at the Normanton Water Station on the Ashby 20 route, where water bottles and toilets were provided for the runners. The station was manned by colleagues from Conkers parkrun

  • Aperture: ƒ/8
  • Camera: Canon EOS 80D
  • Focal length: 70mm
  • ISO: 1250
  • Shutter speed: 1/1250s

Downpour at Conkers pre-Halloween parkrun #493 on Saturday 30th October 2021

Entre nous le deluge.. There was industrial-grade heavy rain, at the set-up of the FREE weekly timed 5km run at Conkers Leicestershire, England, on the last Saturday in October, the darkest morning of the Autumn with clocks due to return to English WInter Time (UTC or GMT) early on Sunday. 35 volunteers, many in fancy dress, made possible the adventures of 265 people who braved the course to run or jog or walk or fly their broomstick or whatever, on the day of the venue’s wettest ever incarnation, the trails nicely laced with lakes and ponds and puddles.

See a full set of 77 images here on Facebook – meanwhile, below is Janet Potter, turning up at 8:45 am undaunted to march out in the rain to marshal the route on her milestone 250th Volunteering session at Conkers. Thank you, Janet, and all our volunteers!

  • Aperture: ƒ/4
  • Camera: Canon EOS 80D
  • Exposure bias: +2/3EV
  • Focal length: 24mm
  • ISO: 400
  • Shutter speed: 1/60s

Conkers parkrun #484 Saturday 28th August 2021

439 people finished the FREE 484th weekly timed 5km walk / jog / run / whatever starting at 9 am at the Conkers Waterside’s “Ennstone Trail” in Leicestershire, England on Saturday 28th August 2021. The PhotoChippy camera was positioned about 50 metres from the start line, and over the next Three and a half minutes took these 157 images of the participants now in an album on Facebook at

The “5k Your Way” team in the light blue shirts set off, for their 5k, their way..

  • Aperture: ƒ/5
  • Camera: Canon EOS 80D
  • Focal length: 70mm
  • ISO: 1000
  • Shutter speed: 1/1000s

Hob Hurst’s Fell Race 2021 – Friday 13th August

The PhotoChippy camera was at a vantage point by the wall-crossing steps at kilometre 2.5 on the Hob Hurst’s Fell Race 2021, starting at 7pm on the Friday evening. With evening sunshine behind, and the steps restricting bunching of runners, it’s likely that portraits of all the 230 participants are in this album of 458 photos on Facebook – here. This annual 8km fell race is organised by Peak Running, details are at

  • Aperture: ƒ/6.3
  • Camera: Canon EOS 80D
  • Exposure bias: -1/3EV
  • Focal length: 102mm
  • ISO: 1000
  • Shutter speed: 1/1250s

Conkers parkrun is back!

Saturday 24th July 2021 – the 479th Conkers parkrun re-started soon after 9am after 70 weeks on hold

They’re off! After 70 weeks without our parkrun, the leading runners are keen to make their mark

The start of this FREE weekly timed 5 km run or walk – or jog or whatever, because parkrun is whatever you want it to be – was captured by the PhotoChippy camera on a mild but hazy morning. Those taking part are nearly all photographed in an album of 187 images on Facebook, here

Not everybody runs at parkrun! You can walk or jog, or whatever – parkrun is whatever you want it to be! Here are some of the later departures from the start line.
  • Aperture: ƒ/2.8
  • Camera: Canon EOS 80D
  • Exposure bias: +1EV
  • Focal length: 70mm
  • ISO: 320
  • Shutter speed: 1/500s

Conkers Trails Saturday 29th May 2021 – sports photo practice

Since our last real free weekly timed 5k parkrun on 14th March 2020, the lure of the Conkers trails is still strong – a number of parkrun afficionados, running or walking their own individual routes, are often to be seen on Saturday mornings. Spring is here, although dull and overcast, and the PhotoChippy camera captured a few images of passing runners, walkers and cyclists – 86 of them are shown here on Facebook

  • Aperture: ƒ/4
  • Camera: Canon EOS 80D
  • Focal length: 100mm
  • ISO: 500
  • Shutter speed: 1/250s

Conkers non-parkrun #40 Saturday 19th December 2020

Seasonal attire for this walking group

40 Saturdays have now passed since our last real free timed 5k parkrun on 14th March 2020, and the lure of the Conkers trails is strong – a number of parkrun afficionados, running or walking their own individual non-parkrun 5k routes, chose to add a fancy-dress seasonal flavour for this last Saturday before the Winter Solstice and before Santa’s night next Thursday. From 9am until 9:45, the photochippy camera was at the canal turn to capture the style observed there. Strong winter low-angle sunshine was present, which proved a little challenging for runners heading South East and for the camera’s auto-exposure calculator.

The 164 best images are in a Facebook album, here:

  • Aperture: ƒ/1.8
  • Camera: iPhone 7
  • Focal length: 3.99mm
  • ISO: 20
  • Shutter speed: 1/170s

Leicester 10k Running Race Sunday 25th October 2020 at Prestwold

The Leicester 10k running race took place on a sunny autumn morning at Prestwold in Leicestershire England on Sunday 25th October 2020. About 500 runners took part – Find a full album of nearly all the runners in over 800 photos here on Facebook

A sample of 15 of the hundreds of runner portraits here
  • Aperture: ƒ/4
  • Camera: Canon EOS 80D
  • Exposure bias: -2/3EV
  • Focal length: 142mm
  • ISO: 100
  • Shutter speed: 1/1000s

Carsington 7+ Race 20 September 2020

About one-quarter of about 500 runners taking part in the Carsington Reservoir round-the-lake race in Derbyshire, England, on Sunday 20 September 2020 are shown here approaching mile marker 6 of the seven and-a-half mile course. The images are from a tiny lens in the back of a cell-phone after a total lens failure in the Photochippy normal camera. Hope the smiles on the runners’ faces make up for the poor image quality and for those who were missed ..

Find a full album of 198 images, here on Facebook

  • Aperture: ƒ/1.8
  • Camera: iPhone 7
  • Focal length: 3.99mm
  • ISO: 20
  • Shutter speed: 1/620s

Here’s one we did Earlier.. Conkers parkrun #66 of 21 July 2012

Find a full album of 93 images from 2012, here on Facebook

The 66th Conkers parkrun weekly timed run event took place in bright sunshine on Saturday 21st July 2012 at Conkers in Leicestershire, England. 93 People braved the 5 kilometre course in this FREE run or walk. Nearly all are seen here, some in odd behaviours like three-legged-race mode, egg-and-spoon-race, wheel-barrow race, even one runner choosing to SKIP with a skipping rope the whole way. These photos of nearly all the 93 participants are resurrected here in April 2020 on the 9th birthday of the event, which is currently not taking place during the health emergency.

  • Aperture: ƒ/8
  • Camera: Canon EOS 60D
  • Focal length: 50mm
  • ISO: 100
  • Shutter speed: 1/250s